2+ years experience as an Angular Developer Good understanding of Angular fundamentals (components, modules, services, directives) Familiarity with TypeScript and JavaScript Experience with User Research, Prototyping and Wireframing, Visual Design, F
2024-11-29 10:56:44Capgemini polska sp. z o.oRequired Qualifications: Location: Dolny Śląsk (MUST HAVE). Office Presence: First 3 months - once a week; after probation, office visits as needed based on business requirements. Experience: Proven track record as a Senior Vue.js Developer. Tec
2025-02-12 10:25:20AvengaPosition qualifications: 3+ years of experience in software engineering. Experience as a Backend developer in AWS services, including EC2, S3, CloudWatch, Lambda. Strong knowledge and experience in Node.js (Python will be a plus). Proficiency in
2025-02-04 10:25:18Object FirstThe first map of the labor market in the IT sector. We want to simplify the search process to minimum
2025-03-10 15:56:04emagine Polska 4,1The first map of the labor market in the IT sector. We want to simplify the search process to minimum
2025-03-10 15:56:04CloudflightThe first map of the labor market in the IT sector. We want to simplify the search process to minimum
2025-03-10 15:56:04OperaThe first map of the labor market in the IT sector. We want to simplify the search process to minimum
2025-03-10 15:56:04OperaThe first map of the labor market in the IT sector. We want to simplify the search process to minimum
2025-03-10 13:56:06SpyroSoft 5,0Zakres obowiązków:\nWytwarzanie, testowanie oraz wdrażanie oprogramowania zgodnie z najlepszymi standardami\nWspółpraca z biznesem w zakresie projektowania i wdrażania nowych rozwiązań, a także testerami i analitykami dedykowanymi do projek
2025-03-10 12:56:05Kruk S.AThe first map of the labor market in the IT sector. We want to simplify the search process to minimum
2025-03-10 11:56:07SofomoThe first map of the labor market in the IT sector. We want to simplify the search process to minimum
2025-03-09 11:56:04KiweeThe first map of the labor market in the IT sector. We want to simplify the search process to minimum
2025-03-07 15:56:06ScaloREQUIREMENTS Unreal Engine Expertise (3+ years) in the following areas: Procedural Content Generation (level design, procedural meshes, world-building) Landscape & World Building (One File Per Actor (OFPA), terrain sculpting, foliage, heightmaps
2025-03-07 15:10:49RESPONSIBILITIES Developing innovative business applications by leveraging advanced standards and methodologies offered by SAP. Leveraging SAP Business Technology Platform features such as Integration. Artificial intelligence, Predictive analyti
2025-03-07 15:10:49Key job opportunities and accountabilities: International SAP Custom/Standard development projects. Full-cycle development and implementation. Product development projects. Working with a full stack of cutting-edge technologies, platforms, and s
2025-03-07 15:10:48The first map of the labor market in the IT sector. We want to simplify the search process to minimum
2025-03-07 13:56:07OpsTalentMinimum 4 years of experience in C# and .NET development. Knowledge of .NET Core / .NET 6+. Experience with Vue.js. Experience working with SQL. Knowledge of Machine Learning concepts (e.g., TensorFlow, ML.NET, scikit-learn). Ability to integrat
2025-03-07 10:25:19Micro SolutionsThe first map of the labor market in the IT sector. We want to simplify the search process to minimum
2025-03-07 08:56:04MIQUIDOThe first map of the labor market in the IT sector. We want to simplify the search process to minimum
2025-03-06 16:56:07ITDSThe first map of the labor market in the IT sector. We want to simplify the search process to minimum
2025-03-06 13:56:05Angry Nerds 4,5Zakres obowiązków:\ntworzenie nowych funkcjonalności w platformie WiseB2B oraz rozwijanie istniejących systemów opartych na PHP i Symfony,\nprojektowanie i implementacja rozwiązań zgodnie z architekturą DDD,\noptymalizacja kodu oraz dbanie
2025-03-06 11:56:03WISEB2BNasze oczekiwania: Minimum 4 lata doświadczenia w PHP lub Node.js oraz przynajmniej podstawowe doświadczenie w drugim z nich Bardzo dobra znajomość JavaScript i TypeScript, z doświadczeniem w różnych bibliotekach i frameworkach Node.js Dobra zna
2025-03-06 10:25:19Piwik PROKariera - CCC Obszar: Biuro Kraj: Polska Miasto: Wrocław
2025-03-05 16:41:03CCCOczekujemy?\nMin. 2 lat doświadczenia w budowaniu aplikacji webowych\nZnajomości nowoczesnego JavaScript, a najlepiej TypeScript\n\nUmiejętności pisania czystego kodu i testów (jednostkowych, czasem integracyjnych)\nZnajomości wzorców proje
2025-03-05 13:56:06Trans.eu Group S.A 3,0Twój portal z ofertami pracy
2025-03-05 11:54:15Impress GroupThe first map of the labor market in the IT sector. We want to simplify the search process to minimum
2025-03-05 10:56:04ImpressProMinimum 7 lat doświadczenia na stanowisku Backend Developera, Bardzo dobra znajomość PHP 8+ oraz frameworka Symfony (min. 2 lata doświadczenia), Praktyczna znajomość wzorców projektowych i zasad SOLID, Doświadczenie w pracy z systemami kontroli
2025-03-05 10:25:20Artgeist sp. z o. oMust have: Przynajmniej 5 lat udokumentowanego komercyjnego doświadczenia zawodowego jako programista back-end Java Głębokie zrozumienie całego procesu tworzenia aplikacji webowych, obejmujące projektowanie, implementację i wdrażanie. Should hav
2025-03-05 10:25:20Avenga 4,3The first map of the labor market in the IT sector. We want to simplify the search process to minimum
2025-03-05 09:56:04Kyotu TechnologyThe first map of the labor market in the IT sector. We want to simplify the search process to minimum
2025-03-05 09:56:04DCV TechnologiesThe first map of the labor market in the IT sector. We want to simplify the search process to minimum
2025-03-05 09:56:04MODIVO S.A 2,6The first map of the labor market in the IT sector. We want to simplify the search process to minimum
2025-03-05 09:56:04NokiaThe first map of the labor market in the IT sector. We want to simplify the search process to minimum
2025-03-05 09:56:04SpyroSoft 5,0Oczekujemy:\nMinimum 7 lat doświadczenia w programowaniu JAVA, \nMinimum 5 lat doświadczenia w programowaniu JavaScript/TypeScript z wykorzystaniem bibliotek React, Redux lub Mobx \nZnajomości wzorców projektowych \nZnajomości styli archite
2025-03-04 16:56:03PSE INNOWACJE SP Z O O 4,2The first map of the labor market in the IT sector. We want to simplify the search process to minimum
2025-03-04 16:56:03Experis Manpower GroupWymagania dla pozycji:Must have:\nPrzynajmniej 5 lat udokumentowanego komercyjnego doświadczenia zawodowego jako programista back-end Java\nGłębokie zrozumienie całego procesu tworzenia aplikacji webowych, obejmujące projektowanie, implemen
2025-03-04 14:56:04Avenga 4,3The first map of the labor market in the IT sector. We want to simplify the search process to minimum
2025-03-04 13:56:04Experis Manpower GroupThe first map of the labor market in the IT sector. We want to simplify the search process to minimum
2025-03-04 13:56:04Experis Manpower GroupThe first map of the labor market in the IT sector. We want to simplify the search process to minimum
2025-03-04 13:56:04Angry Nerds 4,5The first map of the labor market in the IT sector. We want to simplify the search process to minimum
2025-03-04 13:56:04Angry Nerds 4,5The first map of the labor market in the IT sector. We want to simplify the search process to minimum
2025-03-04 12:56:05PSE INNOWACJE SP Z O O 4,2Wymagania:Doświadczenie z Frontendem - 5+ latAngular 13+ - 4 lataTypescript - 3 lataRXJS - 3 lataRedux / NGRX - 2 lataTestowanie jednostkoweSCSSGitSilne zrozumienie programowania obiektowego i reaktywnegoStopień licencjata w inżynierii oprogramo
2025-03-04 11:53:59Requirements:Frontend experience - 5+ yearsAngular 13+ - 4 yearsTypescript - 3 yearsRXJS - 3 yearsRedux / NGRX - 2 yearsUnit testingSCSSGitStrong understanding of object-oriented and reactive programmingBSc in software engineering/ computer scie
2025-03-04 11:53:59The first map of the labor market in the IT sector. We want to simplify the search process to minimum
2025-03-04 09:56:05Gamefound Sp. z o.oThe first map of the labor market in the IT sector. We want to simplify the search process to minimum
2025-03-04 09:56:05SofomoWroclaw Java Developer with Kafka
2025-03-04 08:56:03ATOSNaszym klientem jest firma z siedzibą w USA i Krakowie, która tworzy aplikacje mobilne, internetowe oraz systemy korporacyjne dla szerokiej gamy klientów światowej klasy. Aktualnie nasz klient współpracuje z jednym z największych banków w Ameryc
2025-03-03 21:25:46The first map of the labor market in the IT sector. We want to simplify the search process to minimum
2025-03-03 14:56:05Holisticon ConnectThe first map of the labor market in the IT sector. We want to simplify the search process to minimum
2025-03-03 13:56:05EvidenThe first map of the labor market in the IT sector. We want to simplify the search process to minimum
2025-03-03 12:56:05xBerry Sp. z o.o 5,0The first map of the labor market in the IT sector. We want to simplify the search process to minimum
2025-03-03 11:56:04HeroDOTEssential 5+ years of JS development experience Excellent programming skills in JS, HTML, and CSS Proficient with modern front-end tools such as TypeScript, React, Redux, etc. Experience in unit testing Knowledge of the version control system Git Des
2024-12-06 14:31:45CloudBusiness Sp. Zo. oTa oferta jest dla Ciebie, jeśli: masz minimum 5 lat doświadczenia w programowaniu w języku PL/SQL, masz doświadczenie w tworzeniu aplikacji webowych, masz bardzo dobrą znajomość Oracle, tworzenie struktur, optymalizacja, projektowanie relacyjnych ba
2024-11-29 10:54:34Scalo