5+ years of experience in Data Engineering, Software Engineering, or a related field. Must-have expertise in Apache Airflow, Databricks, and PySpark for orchestration, scalable data processing, and transformation. Expertise in Python or strong p
2025-02-27 10:25:20SambaTVRequired Skills & Qualifications: Tableau or Thoughtspot (Extensive) AWS, Snowflake (Extensive) CI/CD pipelinest, workflow automation and developing data pipelines using Python, Airflow, DBT. SQL, 3+ years of cloud technologies with emphasis on
2025-03-01 10:25:18SquareOneWhat's important for us? At least 5+ years of professional experience in data-related role Undergraduate or graduate degree in Computer Science, Engineering, Mathematics, or similar Expertise in Python and SQL languages Experience with data ware
2025-03-03 10:25:18SunscrapersThe first map of the labor market in the IT sector. We want to simplify the search process to minimum
2025-03-23 21:56:08Point WildLumicode Sp. z o.o. należy do Grupy Pentacomp która jest producentem rozwiązań informatycznych i dostawcą profesjonalnych usług IT dla dużych przedsiębiorstw i sektora publicznego. Jako Lumicode Sp. z o.o. specjalizujemy się w usługach outsourci
2025-03-23 21:06:41The first map of the labor market in the IT sector. We want to simplify the search process to minimum
2025-03-21 17:56:06TransferRoomThe first map of the labor market in the IT sector. We want to simplify the search process to minimum
2025-03-21 16:56:05Link GroupThe first map of the labor market in the IT sector. We want to simplify the search process to minimum
2025-03-21 16:56:05ETFbookThe first map of the labor market in the IT sector. We want to simplify the search process to minimum
2025-03-21 16:56:05ETFbookWymagania:\nBiegła znajomość Snowflake - Wymagana\nBiegła znajomość DBT - Wymagana\nZnajomość Python (przynajmniej jedna z bibliotek: Pandas, Matplotlib, Scikit) - Wymagana\nZnajomość Jupyter - Mile widziana\nDyspozycyjność do podróży do Wa
2025-03-21 15:56:03RITS Professional ServicesWe are seeking a skilled Data Engineer to join our Site Service Data & Insights (SSDI) DataOne project. The role involves ingesting data from source systems using technologies such as Python and Talend, modeling data following the Data Vault met
2025-03-21 11:00:52SQUARE ONE RESOURCES sp. z o.oThe first map of the labor market in the IT sector. We want to simplify the search process to minimum
2025-03-21 09:56:05Team UpThe first map of the labor market in the IT sector. We want to simplify the search process to minimum
2025-03-21 07:56:04LingaroThe first map of the labor market in the IT sector. We want to simplify the search process to minimum
2025-03-21 07:56:04LingaroThe first map of the labor market in the IT sector. We want to simplify the search process to minimum
2025-03-20 15:56:05Capco PolandThe first map of the labor market in the IT sector. We want to simplify the search process to minimum
2025-03-20 11:56:067NThe first map of the labor market in the IT sector. We want to simplify the search process to minimum
2025-03-20 11:56:06CLOUDFIDEThe first map of the labor market in the IT sector. We want to simplify the search process to minimum
2025-03-20 11:56:067NMinimum 7- letnie doświadczenie w inżynierii danych. Minimum 3- letnie doświadczenie z technologią AWS Databricks. Doświadczenie w pracy z dbt i Apache Airflow. Biegłość w SQL i Pythonie. Biegła znajomość języka angielskiego. Mile widziane: Cert
2025-03-20 10:25:23CONNECTISThe first map of the labor market in the IT sector. We want to simplify the search process to minimum
2025-03-19 15:56:14CONNECTISThe first map of the labor market in the IT sector. We want to simplify the search process to minimum
2025-03-19 15:56:14DatumoWymagania\nPraktyczne doświadczenie w pracy z Palantir (Foundry, Gotham lub innymi narzędziami z ekosystemu) – wdrażanie, konfiguracja, optymalizacja rozwiązań.\nBardzo dobra znajomość zagadnień związanych z ETL/ELT, Big Data i infrastruktu
2025-03-19 14:56:07Link GroupThe first map of the labor market in the IT sector. We want to simplify the search process to minimum
2025-03-19 12:56:15DevsData LLCThe first map of the labor market in the IT sector. We want to simplify the search process to minimum
2025-03-19 11:56:06Respect EnergyProficiency in a programming language like Python and SQL Deep understanding of data warehousing concepts and experience with platforms such as Snowflake, BigQuery, or Redshift Experience as a programmer and knowledge of software engineering, go
2025-03-19 10:25:21GetInData | Part of XebiaProficiency in a programming language like Python / Scala or Java Knowledge of Lakehouse platforms - Databricks Experience working with dbt Familiarity with Version Control Systems, particularly GIT Experience as a programmer and knowledge of so
2025-03-19 10:25:21GetInData | Part of XebiaWymagania\n\nDoświadczenie w pracy z relacyjnymi bazami danych (MS SQL, Oracle PL/SQL) i znajomość koncepcji hurtowni danych (DWH)\nBiegłość w Pythonie\n\nZnajomość narzędzi BI i eksploracji danych (Business Objects, Tableau, Power BI)\n\nP
2025-03-19 09:56:28P P SolutionsThe first map of the labor market in the IT sector. We want to simplify the search process to minimum
2025-03-19 09:56:28BEC Financial TechnologiesThe first map of the labor market in the IT sector. We want to simplify the search process to minimum
2025-03-19 08:56:04AcaisoftThe first map of the labor market in the IT sector. We want to simplify the search process to minimum
2025-03-19 08:56:04Link GroupThe first map of the labor market in the IT sector. We want to simplify the search process to minimum
2025-03-18 13:56:04RemoDevsThe first map of the labor market in the IT sector. We want to simplify the search process to minimum
2025-03-18 11:56:03OptiveumThe first map of the labor market in the IT sector. We want to simplify the search process to minimum
2025-03-18 09:56:03ALTEN PolskaThe first map of the labor market in the IT sector. We want to simplify the search process to minimum
2025-03-17 16:56:03emagine PolskaThe first map of the labor market in the IT sector. We want to simplify the search process to minimum
2025-03-17 13:56:03BillenniumThe first map of the labor market in the IT sector. We want to simplify the search process to minimum
2025-03-17 13:56:03Harvey Nash TechnologyThe first map of the labor market in the IT sector. We want to simplify the search process to minimum
2025-03-17 13:56:03Future MindThe first map of the labor market in the IT sector. We want to simplify the search process to minimum
2025-03-17 13:56:03emagine PolskaWe are looking for a Data Engineer with expertise in Snowflake, AWS, and ETL processes, who will work closely with AI scientists and data analysts to design, develop, and maintain data pipelines and systems that support clinical and operational
2025-03-15 11:50:04Sii PolskaWykształcenie wyższe (preferowane kierunki informatyczne), Biegłe posługiwanie się SQL i optymalizowanie zapytań, Znajomość Google Cloud Platform (lub innego dostawcy chmurowego) Znajomość Python i git Znajomość narzędzi wspomagających procesy z
2025-03-15 10:25:21Dogtronic SolutionsWymagania: min 3 lata doświadczenia na stanowisku Data Engineer min 1-2 lata doświadczenia w obszarze ETL development z DBT bardzo dobra znajomość SQL (queries, data transformation, and performance optimization) znajomość j.angielskiego na pozio
2025-03-14 10:25:23ITFS sp. z o. oThe first map of the labor market in the IT sector. We want to simplify the search process to minimum
2025-03-14 09:56:05GoogleThe first map of the labor market in the IT sector. We want to simplify the search process to minimum
2025-03-13 18:56:03FindevThe first map of the labor market in the IT sector. We want to simplify the search process to minimum
2025-03-13 17:56:04Moondigo sp. z o.oThe first map of the labor market in the IT sector. We want to simplify the search process to minimum
2025-03-13 15:56:06capital.comThe first map of the labor market in the IT sector. We want to simplify the search process to minimum
2025-03-13 13:56:06N-iXThe first map of the labor market in the IT sector. We want to simplify the search process to minimum
2025-03-13 13:56:06AlliesThe first map of the labor market in the IT sector. We want to simplify the search process to minimum
2025-03-13 13:56:06BillenniumWymagania:\nMin. 5 lat doświadczenia w systemach analitycznych i przetwarzaniu danych. \nZnajomość relacyjnych i nierelacyjnych baz danych. \nBardzo dobra znajomość SQL i Python. \nDoświadczenie z narzędziami do orkiestracji danych: Spark/D
2025-03-13 12:56:04CresttZakres obowiązków:\n\nRozwój procesów ETL – wymagane doświadczenie z Matillion (1-2 lata – must have).\n\nPraca z hurtownią danych (Snowflake) – projektowanie i zarządzanie architekturą Snowflake, w tym optymalizacja schematów, partycjonowa
2025-03-13 11:56:05makeitrightThe first map of the labor market in the IT sector. We want to simplify the search process to minimum
2025-03-13 10:56:05Square OneWymagania: Minimum 3 lata doświadczenia na stanowisku Data Engineera Znajomość ETL, Python, Snowflake oraz SQL Doświadczenie w pracy z Matilion Bardzo dobra znajomość j.angielskiego Mile widziane: Znajomość AWS Miejsce pracy: praca zdalna 100% S
2025-03-13 10:25:19ITFS sp. z o. oThe first map of the labor market in the IT sector. We want to simplify the search process to minimum
2025-03-13 09:56:06ProsomaRequirements At least 4-6 years experience in Data Engineering or Software Engineering (data related). Proficient in Python development. Experience with libraries/frameworks such as Pandas, Numpy, Scipy, etc. Skilled in data pipeline orchestrati
2025-02-27 10:25:19SunscrapersWymagania: Min. 5 lat doświadczenia w systemach analitycznych i przetwarzaniu danych. Znajomość relacyjnych i nierelacyjnych baz danych. Bardzo dobra znajomość SQL i Python. Doświadczenie z narzędziami do orkiestracji danych: Spark/Databricks (w
2025-03-03 10:25:18Crestt