1+ years of experience working in financial and accounting Good knowledge of general ledger process, as well as end-to-end process Good knowledge about accounting principles and rules SAP system knowledge would be an advantage Good knowledge of
2025-03-06 10:25:19HTH RecruitmentMinimum 5 lat doświadczenia w księgowości księgi głównej Bardzo dobra znajomość MSSF Bardzo dobra znajomość systemu Dynamics Dobra znajomość języka angielskiego zarówno w mowie, jak i piśmie Rozwinięte umiejętności analizowania danych, wyciągani
2025-03-06 10:25:19HTH RecruitmentBachelor's degree in Accounting, Business Economics, or a related financial field. At least 1 year of experience in General Ledger accounting. Fluency in English; additional languages are a plus. Experience with SAP; knowledge of Hyperion, Caden
2025-03-13 10:25:19AntalFor our Client, SSC Company on Krakow market we are looking for a candidate to position of AP Accountant. Responsibilities: Process non-purchase order invoices following company policy and controls Monitor and follow-up on invoices blocked for p
2025-03-22 17:55:03LeasingTeam Professional supports Polish and global enterprises in sourcing key talent and in human resources management. The Agency specializes in permanent recruitment for mid- and senior level posi
2025-03-21 15:36:44LeasingTeam GroupLeasingTeam Professional supports Polish and global enterprises in sourcing key talent and in human resources management. The Agency specializes in permanent recruitment for mid- and senior level posi
2025-03-21 15:36:44LeasingTeam GroupLeasingTeam Professional supports Polish and global enterprises in sourcing key talent and in human resources management. The Agency specializes in permanent recruitment for mid- and senior level posi
2025-03-21 15:36:44LeasingTeam GroupLeasingTeam Professional supports Polish and global enterprises in sourcing key talent and in human resources management. The Agency specializes in permanent recruitment for mid- and senior level posi
2025-03-21 15:36:44LeasingTeam GroupLeasingTeam Professional supports Polish and global enterprises in sourcing key talent and in human resources management. The Agency specializes in permanent recruitment for mid- and senior level posi
2025-03-21 15:36:44LeasingTeam GroupLeasingTeam Professional supports Polish and global enterprises in sourcing key talent and in human resources management. The Agency specializes in permanent recruitment for mid- and senior level posi
2025-03-21 15:36:44LeasingTeam GroupLeasingTeam Professional supports Polish and global enterprises in sourcing key talent and in human resources management. The Agency specializes in permanent recruitment for mid- and senior level posi
2025-03-21 15:36:44LeasingTeam GroupLeasingTeam Professional supports Polish and global enterprises in sourcing key talent and in human resources management. The Agency specializes in permanent recruitment for mid- and senior level posi
2025-03-21 15:36:44LeasingTeam GroupLeasingTeam Professional supports Polish and global enterprises in sourcing key talent and in human resources management. The Agency specializes in permanent recruitment for mid- and senior level posi
2025-03-21 15:36:44LeasingTeam GroupWymagania inne:16.2025.JJ Prowadzenie spotkań na temat podstaw rachunkowości Miejsce pracy:Chojnice Rodzaj umowy:Umowa o pracę na czas">
2025-03-21 10:21:10Zakres obowiązków:Prowadzenie spotkań na temat podstaw rachunkowości Wymagania:Wymagania pożądane: Wykształcenie: wyższe (w tym licencjat), ekonomiczneInne wymagania: 16.2025.JJ Wynagrodzenie brutto: od 45,00 PLNRodzaj umowy:Umowa o pracę na cza
2025-03-19 18:41:37Wymagania konieczne:Wykształcenie: wyższe (w tym licencjat), ekonomiczne Wymagania inne:2025.KR prowadzenie spotkań na temar podstaw rachunkowości Miejsce">
2025-03-18 22:21:18Zakres obowiązków:- dekretowanie dokumentów księgowych zewnętrznych i wewnętrznych- wprowadzanie do systemu księgowego PROBIT faktur kosztowych- sporządzanie i księgowanie arkuszy rozliczeniowych KO- rozliczanie kosztów- sporządzanie dla głównej
2025-03-18 18:41:51Oczekujemy od Ciebie:Mile widziane doswiadczenie i wyksztalcenie kierunkoweKomunikujesz się w jezyku niemieckim na dobrym poziomieJesteś gotowy/a do podjecia pracy od zarazJesteś chętny do nauki i chcesz się dal
2025-03-18 15:00:02Praca GL Accountant with English, FRISTA, Warszawa
2025-03-17 16:40:49FRISTAFirma: Fabryka Urządzeń Dźwigowych S.A. to przedsiębiorstwo o 120-letniej historii i ugruntowanej pozycji na rynku, wyspecjalizowane w..
2025-03-17 14:17:01LeasingTeam Professional supports Polish and global enterprises in sourcing key talent and in human resources management. The Agency specializes in permanent recruitment for mid- and senior level posi
2025-03-14 15:36:52LeasingTeam GroupLeasingTeam Professional supports Polish and global enterprises in sourcing key talent and in human resources management. The Agency specializes in permanent recruitment for mid- and senior level posi
2025-03-14 15:36:52LeasingTeam GroupLeasingTeam Professional supports Polish and global enterprises in sourcing key talent and in human resources management. The Agency specializes in permanent recruitment for mid- and senior level posi
2025-03-14 15:36:52LeasingTeam GroupLeasingTeam Professional supports Polish and global enterprises in sourcing key talent and in human resources management. The Agency specializes in permanent recruitment for mid- and senior level posi
2025-03-14 15:36:52LeasingTeam GroupLeasingTeam Professional supports Polish and global enterprises in sourcing key talent and in human resources management. The Agency specializes in permanent recruitment for mid- and senior level posi
2025-03-14 15:36:52LeasingTeam GroupLeasingTeam Professional supports Polish and global enterprises in sourcing key talent and in human resources management. The Agency specializes in permanent recruitment for mid- and senior level posi
2025-03-14 15:36:52LeasingTeam GroupLeasingTeam Professional supports Polish and global enterprises in sourcing key talent and in human resources management. The Agency specializes in permanent recruitment for mid- and senior level posi
2025-03-14 15:36:52LeasingTeam GroupLeasingTeam Professional supports Polish and global enterprises in sourcing key talent and in human resources management. The Agency specializes in permanent recruitment for mid- and senior level posi
2025-03-14 15:36:52LeasingTeam GroupLeasingTeam Professional supports Polish and global enterprises in sourcing key talent and in human resources management. The Agency specializes in permanent recruitment for mid- and senior level posi
2025-03-14 15:36:52LeasingTeam GroupWymagania:\n\nDoświadczenie zawodowe: Minimum roczne doświadczenie w dziale Zobowiązań (AP).\n\nUmiejętności językowe: Znajomość języka angielskiego (min. B2).\n\nUmiejętności techniczne: Samodzielna praca w SAP i biegła obsługa Excela.\nDo
2025-03-14 14:54:07HTH RecruitmentBachelor's degree in Accounting, Business Economics, or a related financial field. At least 1 year of experience in General Ledger accounting. Fluency in English; additional languages are a plus. Experience with SAP; knowledge of Hyperion, Caden
2025-03-13 10:25:19AntalTwój portal z ofertami pracy
2025-03-12 14:54:09ANTAL Sp. z o. oPraca Pracownik ds. księgowości, DZIELNICOWE BIURO FINANSÓW OŚWIATY WILANÓW M.ST.WARSZAWY, Warszawa
2025-03-12 13:40:51DZIELNICOWE BIURO FINANSÓW OŚWIATY WILANÓW...Requirements A candidate with 3-5+ years of experience in accounting (GL, financial reporting). A graduate in Finance, Accounting, or a related field. Someone fluent in English (Spanish is a strong advantage). A professional with ERP system expe
2025-03-12 10:25:18DevirePraca Senior GL Accountant with English, Devire, Warszawa
2025-03-11 16:40:44DevireZAKRES OBOWIĄZKÓW: Umowa o pracę na czas określony WYMAGANIA: - Wykształcenie: średnie ogólnokształcące - Uprawnienia: Certyfikat księgowy stwierdzający uprawnienie do usługowego prowadzenia ksiąg rachunkowych, doświadczenie w pracy w zespole, b
2025-03-07 07:31:12Marian janiszek i wspólnicy mar-rom spółka...Zakres obowiązków:prowadzenie pełnej księgowości, dekretowanie i księgowanie operacji, uzgadnianie rozrachunków, księgowanie fakrur Wymagania:Wymagania konieczne: Wykształcenie: średnie ogólnokształcąceUprawnienia: Certyfikat księgowy stwierdzaj
2025-03-06 18:41:33Wymagania: wykształcenie średnie lub wyższe ekonomiczne znajomość zagadnień rachunkowości biegła obsługa komputera z obsługą internetu bardzo dobra organizacja pracy, komunikatywność, umiejętność pracy w zespole
2025-03-06 13:21:02Minimum 5 lat doświadczenia w księgowości księgi głównej Bardzo dobra znajomość MSSF Bardzo dobra znajomość systemu Dynamics Dobra znajomość języka angielskiego zarówno w mowie, jak i piśmie Rozwinięte umiejętności analizowania danych, wyciągani
2025-03-06 10:25:19HTH Recruitment1+ years of experience working in financial and accounting Good knowledge of general ledger process, as well as end-to-end process Good knowledge about accounting principles and rules SAP system knowledge would be an advantage Good knowledge of
2025-03-06 10:25:19HTH Recruitment1-2 years of professional experience in accounting/GL Fluent in English Strong drive for learning and personal development Demonstrated engagement and sense of responsibility Proactive approach and problem-solving mindset Proficiency in MS Excel
2025-03-05 10:25:19HTH RecruitmentPraca AP Accountant with English, Bausch & Lomb Poland Sp. z o.o., Warszawa
2025-03-03 11:40:52Bausch Lomb Poland Sp. z o.oFor our Client, one of the most famous companies in the international arena which works in the area of new technologies currently we are looking for candidates for the position of Junior GL Accountant with English. You will be responsible for: S
2025-03-01 17:55:13Finanse / Bankowość / Księgowość
2025-02-28 08:55:06Praca PTP Junior Accountant with English and Spanish- 2nd shift, Accenture Operations, Warszawa
2025-02-27 13:40:41Accenture OperationsZakres obowiązków:Obsługa biura, prace ksiegowe. Wymagania:Wymagania pożądane: Wykształcenie: wyższe (w tym licencjat)Inne wymagania: Preferowane wykształcenie wyższe, znajomość obsługi komputera i pakietu MS Office, znajomość programów księgowy
2025-02-26 18:41:57Our client is a family-owned German company, which stands for excellent technology and unique audio experiences for over 75 years and they will continue to do so in the future.You will be part of building our new Global Service Centre in Poznan
2025-02-26 11:53:45Wymagania pracodawcy
2025-02-24 11:40:48Grafton RecruitmentPraca AP/AR Accountant with English, WOLW-POL SP. Z O.O., Warszawa
2025-02-24 09:40:45Wolw - Pol Sp. z o. oFor our Client, international Company we are looking for a candidate to position of JuniorT&E Accountant with English. Responsibilities: Serve as point of contact for all travel related inquiries and problem resolution Provide daily statistics r
2025-02-15 17:55:04For our Client, Company based on Krakow market which is expanding an SSC structures we are looking for a candidate to position of Senior GL Accountant with English. It is a chance to take part in process transition. Responsibilities: Performing
2025-02-15 17:55:04For our Client, new Company on Krakow market wchih is building a SSC structures we are looking for a candidate to position of AR Accountant with English. It is a chance to take part in transition of Financial processes for a new SSC. Responsibil
2025-02-15 17:55:04For our Client, one of the most famous companies in the international arena which works in the area of new technologies currently we are looking for candidates for the position of AP Accountant with English. You will be responsible for: Invoice
2025-02-15 17:55:041-2 years of professional experience in accounting/GL Fluent in English Strong drive for learning and personal development Demonstrated engagement and sense of responsibility Proactive approach and problem-solving mindset Proficiency in MS Excel
2025-03-05 10:25:19HTH RecruitmentRequirements A candidate with 3-5+ years of experience in accounting (GL, financial reporting). A graduate in Finance, Accounting, or a related field. Someone fluent in English (Spanish is a strong advantage). A professional with ERP system expe
2025-03-12 10:25:18Devire