The first map of the labor market in the IT sector. We want to simplify the search process to minimum
2025-03-05 12:56:05P P SolutionsOczekujemy:\nBardzo dobra znajomość PHP 7+\nBardzo dobra znajomość MySQL, MariaDB\nZnajomość biblioteki ORM Doctrine2\nUmiejętność budowania REST API\nUmiejętność programowania obiektowego\nZnajomość wzorców projektowych i ich stosowanie\nC
2025-02-25 11:56:05MEDIAFLEXTwój zakres obowiązków, Programowanie logiki biznesowej aplikacji internetowych w oparciu o framework Symfony lub Laminas, Współpraca z zespołem projektowym, działem graficznym, testerami oraz project managerami..
2025-02-12 13:40:51Wymagania:Od 1-2 do 4-5 lat doświadczenia na podobnym stanowiskuZnajomość JS, Vue2/3, Nuxt 2/3Doświadczenie z LaravelDoświadczenie z:DRY, KISS, SOLIDPHP7+HTML5, CSS3OOPGit & git-flowAgile, ScrumMysqlDobre umiejętności języka angielskiegoDodatkow
2025-02-12 11:53:44The first map of the labor market in the IT sector. We want to simplify the search process to minimum
2025-02-10 19:56:05Antykwariat i ksiegarnia TezeuszWe usually work for tech startups so we’ve had our share of ever-changing, dynamic projects. In this environment, the development stage is planned only a few weeks ahead and pivots are an integral part of the job. But we like it this way – relea
2025-03-10 10:25:20Software Mansion S.AOpis stanowiska Budowanie aktywnej społeczności na Instagramie poprzez interakcje (odpowiadanie na komentarze, wiadomości) Opracowywanie i wdrażanie strategii dla profili marek Analizowanie trendów i implementacja nowatorskich rozwiązań w komuni
2025-03-09 14:30:02Opis stanowiska Wspieranie decyzji sprzedażowych przez analizę danych dla zespołu sprzedaży suchych mieszanek i chemii budowlanej. Raportowanie wyników handlowych. Rekomendacja strategii cenowych i marżowych. Budżetowanie oraz prognozowanie sprz
2025-03-09 14:00:03At least 5 years of experience in software system testing Experience as a Test Leader or Test Architect Experience in test automation Knowledge of IP networks and networking protocols English language skills at level allowing efficient communica
2025-03-08 10:25:16Motorola Solutions Systems Polska 3,6Twój zakres obowiązków: przygotowywanie najwyższej jakości wizualizacji foto-realistycznych niezbędnych do opracowania materiałów marketingowych (strona www, katalogi, Social Media) doradztwo w zakresie aranżacji wnętrz do materiałów mających na
2025-03-10 18:32:42The first map of the labor market in the IT sector. We want to simplify the search process to minimum
2025-03-10 17:56:04Opendoor Labs INCThe first map of the labor market in the IT sector. We want to simplify the search process to minimum
2025-03-10 16:56:03Opendoor Labs INCThe first map of the labor market in the IT sector. We want to simplify the search process to minimum
2025-03-10 16:56:03ScaloThe first map of the labor market in the IT sector. We want to simplify the search process to minimum
2025-03-10 15:56:04CAE Flight Services PolandThe first map of the labor market in the IT sector. We want to simplify the search process to minimum
2025-03-10 15:56:04ITDSThe first map of the labor market in the IT sector. We want to simplify the search process to minimum
2025-03-10 14:56:06Opendoor Labs INCThe first map of the labor market in the IT sector. We want to simplify the search process to minimum
2025-03-10 14:56:06Opendoor Labs INCThe first map of the labor market in the IT sector. We want to simplify the search process to minimum
2025-03-10 14:56:06N-iX 2,7The first map of the labor market in the IT sector. We want to simplify the search process to minimum
2025-03-10 14:56:05Grid Dynamics Poland 5,0The first map of the labor market in the IT sector. We want to simplify the search process to minimum
2025-03-10 13:56:07Grid Dynamics Poland 5,0The first map of the labor market in the IT sector. We want to simplify the search process to minimum
2025-03-10 12:56:05Team UpThe first map of the labor market in the IT sector. We want to simplify the search process to minimum
2025-03-10 12:56:05KPMG 2,7The first map of the labor market in the IT sector. We want to simplify the search process to minimum
2025-03-10 12:56:05AVSystem 5,0The first map of the labor market in the IT sector. We want to simplify the search process to minimum
2025-03-10 12:56:05InPostThe first map of the labor market in the IT sector. We want to simplify the search process to minimum
2025-03-10 12:56:05MIQUIDOShift: 16/7 WORK FROM THE OFFICE* Are you a fan of vlogging or constantly looking for videos to help solve your challenges? Do you want to learn more about social media regulation, online free speech, internal controls, or maybe even learn about
2025-03-10 11:31:42Shift: 24/7 WORK FROM THE OFFICE* Are you a fan of vlogging or constantly looking to videos to help solve your challenges? Do you want to learn more about social media regulation, online free speech, internal controls or maybe even learn about E
2025-03-10 11:31:42The first map of the labor market in the IT sector. We want to simplify the search process to minimum
2025-03-10 10:56:07Reality GamesThe first map of the labor market in the IT sector. We want to simplify the search process to minimum
2025-03-10 10:56:07edroneThe first map of the labor market in the IT sector. We want to simplify the search process to minimum
2025-03-10 09:56:07Link GroupThe first map of the labor market in the IT sector. We want to simplify the search process to minimum
2025-03-10 08:56:26solidstudioThe first map of the labor market in the IT sector. We want to simplify the search process to minimum
2025-03-09 18:56:05ITDSApplication Support Engineer - Tax GMS Developers85_4458088Obowiązki Support Internal KPMG Client Implementation Team in the configuration of our GMS suite of applications. Research, diagnose, troubleshoot, and identify solutions to resolve appl
2025-03-09 07:00:50KPMG 2,7Senior C++ Developer87_28951Obowiązki design and development of application functionality and customizing existing application which meets business requirements with high quality within given deadlines, developing maintainable, well-documented a
2025-03-09 07:00:50Arche Consulting 4,8