The first map of the labor market in the IT sector. We want to simplify the search process to minimum
2025-03-26 14:56:04The first map of the labor market in the IT sector. We want to simplify the search process to minimum
2025-03-26 09:56:05The first map of the labor market in the IT sector. We want to simplify the search process to minimum
2025-03-25 13:56:04The first map of the labor market in the IT sector. We want to simplify the search process to minimum
2025-03-21 11:56:04The first map of the labor market in the IT sector. We want to simplify the search process to minimum
2025-03-21 11:56:04The first map of the labor market in the IT sector. We want to simplify the search process to minimum
2025-03-21 11:56:04The first map of the labor market in the IT sector. We want to simplify the search process to minimum
2025-03-14 11:56:04Oczekujemy:· Znajomość JavaScript· Minimum rocznego doświadczenia w testowaniu aplikacji desktopowych , webowych oraz mobilnych· Doświadczenie w tworzeniu przypadków i scenariuszy testowych na podstawie specyfikacji· Certyfikat ISTQB Founda
2025-03-12 08:56:06The first map of the labor market in the IT sector. We want to simplify the search process to minimum
2025-03-10 08:56:26Wymagania:\nWykształcenie wyższe o profilu informatycznym\nDoświadczenie zawodowe: min. 5-letnie doświadczenie na stanowisku programisty Java/JEE i min. 2-letnie doświadczenie na stanowisku programisty GOSU\nMile widziana certyfikacja w jed
2025-03-06 12:56:04The first map of the labor market in the IT sector. We want to simplify the search process to minimum
2025-03-06 09:56:06The first map of the labor market in the IT sector. We want to simplify the search process to minimum
2025-03-03 14:56:05The first map of the labor market in the IT sector. We want to simplify the search process to minimum
2025-02-26 09:56:05The first map of the labor market in the IT sector. We want to simplify the search process to minimum
2025-02-25 12:56:04The first map of the labor market in the IT sector. We want to simplify the search process to minimum
2025-02-24 11:56:05The first map of the labor market in the IT sector. We want to simplify the search process to minimum
2025-02-24 11:56:05The first map of the labor market in the IT sector. We want to simplify the search process to minimum
2025-02-24 11:56:05