The first map of the labor market in the IT sector. We want to simplify the search process to minimum
2025-03-21 15:56:03The first map of the labor market in the IT sector. We want to simplify the search process to minimum
2025-03-21 15:56:03The first map of the labor market in the IT sector. We want to simplify the search process to minimum
2025-03-21 14:56:05The first map of the labor market in the IT sector. We want to simplify the search process to minimum
2025-03-21 10:56:04The first map of the labor market in the IT sector. We want to simplify the search process to minimum
2025-03-21 09:56:05The first map of the labor market in the IT sector. We want to simplify the search process to minimum
2025-03-20 16:56:03Zakres obowiązków:\nudział w obsłudze operatorskiej infrastruktury rozbudowanego środowiska chmurowego\nrealizowanie zleceń w systemie zgłoszeniowym\nwstępne rozpoznawanie incydentów zgłaszanych przez system monitoringu\nrealizowanie planow
2025-03-20 16:56:03The first map of the labor market in the IT sector. We want to simplify the search process to minimum
2025-03-20 15:56:05The first map of the labor market in the IT sector. We want to simplify the search process to minimum
2025-03-20 10:56:05The first map of the labor market in the IT sector. We want to simplify the search process to minimum
2025-03-20 10:56:05The first map of the labor market in the IT sector. We want to simplify the search process to minimum
2025-03-19 13:56:09The first map of the labor market in the IT sector. We want to simplify the search process to minimum
2025-03-19 13:56:09The first map of the labor market in the IT sector. We want to simplify the search process to minimum
2025-03-19 12:56:15The first map of the labor market in the IT sector. We want to simplify the search process to minimum
2025-03-18 16:56:05The first map of the labor market in the IT sector. We want to simplify the search process to minimum
2025-03-18 16:56:05The first map of the labor market in the IT sector. We want to simplify the search process to minimum
2025-03-18 15:56:06The first map of the labor market in the IT sector. We want to simplify the search process to minimum
2025-03-18 15:56:06The first map of the labor market in the IT sector. We want to simplify the search process to minimum
2025-03-18 15:56:06The first map of the labor market in the IT sector. We want to simplify the search process to minimum
2025-03-18 14:56:04The first map of the labor market in the IT sector. We want to simplify the search process to minimum
2025-03-18 14:56:04The first map of the labor market in the IT sector. We want to simplify the search process to minimum
2025-03-18 13:56:04The first map of the labor market in the IT sector. We want to simplify the search process to minimum
2025-03-18 13:56:04The first map of the labor market in the IT sector. We want to simplify the search process to minimum
2025-03-18 12:56:04The first map of the labor market in the IT sector. We want to simplify the search process to minimum
2025-03-17 15:56:05The first map of the labor market in the IT sector. We want to simplify the search process to minimum
2025-03-17 13:56:03The first map of the labor market in the IT sector. We want to simplify the search process to minimum
2025-03-14 11:56:04The first map of the labor market in the IT sector. We want to simplify the search process to minimum
2025-03-13 15:56:06The first map of the labor market in the IT sector. We want to simplify the search process to minimum
2025-03-13 12:56:04The first map of the labor market in the IT sector. We want to simplify the search process to minimum
2025-03-13 12:56:04The first map of the labor market in the IT sector. We want to simplify the search process to minimum
2025-03-12 16:56:03Wymagania:\nDoświadczenie na podobnym stanowisku\nDobra znajomość infrastruktury IT\nUmiejętność efektywnej pracy i ustalania priorytetów w nagłych sytuacjach zawodowych\nJęzyk angielski na poziomie minimum B2\nOferta:\nProjekt tymczasowy
2025-03-12 08:56:06Wymagania:\nMinimum 5 lat doświadczenia w tworzeniu i integracji rozwiązań opartych na rozwiązaniach Salesforce.\nBiegła znajomość narzędzi konfiguracyjnych Salesforce. \nDobrej znajomości Apex, Lightning Experience. \n\nPraktyczne doświadc
2025-03-12 08:56:06The first map of the labor market in the IT sector. We want to simplify the search process to minimum
2025-03-12 08:56:06The first map of the labor market in the IT sector. We want to simplify the search process to minimum
2025-03-11 16:56:06The first map of the labor market in the IT sector. We want to simplify the search process to minimum
2025-03-11 10:56:05Wymagania:- Wykształcenie średnie techniczne (elektronika, informatyka, automatyka lub pokrewne)- Angielski na poziomie B1+- Znajomość systemu Windows - narzędzia administracyjne, konfiguracja itd.- Znajomość budowy i działania komputerów-
2025-03-10 16:56:03Wymagania:\nUdokumentowane doświadczenie jako autor tekstów technicznych, najlepiej w roli związanej z produktem lub programowaniem.\nRozumienie interfejsów API, zestawów SDK i narzędzi programistycznych.\nDoświadczenie z markdown i językam
2025-03-10 16:56:03The first map of the labor market in the IT sector. We want to simplify the search process to minimum
2025-03-07 15:56:06The first map of the labor market in the IT sector. We want to simplify the search process to minimum
2025-03-07 13:56:07The first map of the labor market in the IT sector. We want to simplify the search process to minimum
2025-03-07 13:56:07The first map of the labor market in the IT sector. We want to simplify the search process to minimum
2025-03-07 13:56:07The first map of the labor market in the IT sector. We want to simplify the search process to minimum
2025-03-07 13:56:07The first map of the labor market in the IT sector. We want to simplify the search process to minimum
2025-03-07 11:56:04The first map of the labor market in the IT sector. We want to simplify the search process to minimum
2025-03-07 09:56:05The first map of the labor market in the IT sector. We want to simplify the search process to minimum
2025-03-06 16:56:07The first map of the labor market in the IT sector. We want to simplify the search process to minimum
2025-03-06 15:56:06The first map of the labor market in the IT sector. We want to simplify the search process to minimum
2025-03-06 12:56:04The first map of the labor market in the IT sector. We want to simplify the search process to minimum
2025-03-06 12:56:04The first map of the labor market in the IT sector. We want to simplify the search process to minimum
2025-03-06 08:56:06The first map of the labor market in the IT sector. We want to simplify the search process to minimum
2025-03-05 16:56:07